A timeline of our journey...


The Beginnings...

Inglewood Bowling Club is established in 1951


Sportsmens Association of Australia (S.A.A)

The Sports Association of Australia (formerly known as the Sportsmens Association of Australia) is founded by professional billiards champion, the late Walter Lindrum OBE MBE with the purpose of fund raising for sports and charities. A yearly award is also presented to a sportsperson who had excelled in their chosen sport, known as the Walter Lindrum Award, or 'The Lindy Award'.


S.A.A (WA Division) introduced

The S.A.A establishes divisions in each Australian state and the Western Australian division was launched.


Inglewood Bowling & Sports Club is created

With the help of raised funds and donations, the S.A.A purchases the Inglewood Bowling Club for their Western Australian headquarters in 1971. The following years see the club continue to develop and expand whilst also gaining a solid membership base.


Hosts of the 'Lindy Award'

Inglewood Bowling & Sports Club hosts their first Lindy Award Dinner. These awards continue to gain exposure and would eventually become the most prestigious award in Western Australia recognised by sporting persons. The Lindy Award would later be incorporated into the current WA Sportstar of The Year Awards.


The 'Wall of Honour'

Many notable West Australian sportspersons have been awarded the Lindy Award since it's inception and these names are etched into the history of the club. The Lindy Award 'Wall of Honour' which is displayed at the club, is opened by winner and Australian cricketer Graham McKenzie.


2024 and beyond...

From our humble beginnings, our club has grown immensely and has enjoyed the prestigious events from the past. Many famous WA sportspersons have walked on our floors...our aim is to keep the flame of our club alive well into the future...we hope to see you, your family and friends down at the 'Sporties'!
